Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Google Trick To Avoid Redirecting Into Country Domain

Did you ever noticed that,when you enter the address www.google.com in your address bar and hit enter it will redirect it into your country domain.For example if you are an Indian and you are browsing from India,when you enter the address http://google.com/ in address bar and hit enter it will redirect into http://www.google.co.in/. This facility in google provide you to more specific search results regarding your country.

Now here is the question, If you won't want to redirect into your country, What you do now?

I am here with the answer for the above question.You can simply avoid the redirection of google.com into targeted countries by a simple trick.You can add three more letters after the tailing slash.You can add ncr after the tailing slash. That is you can enter the domain as www.google.com/ncr.This will lead you to the original google home page, that is http://www.google.com/. In the above url ncr stands for no country redirection.
Now visit google.com page and enjoy extended search...

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