Facebook chat is now possible with Yahoo Mail account. Yahoo introduced Yahoo Mail Beta version with few new features. Currently, they add facebook chat section in this version to become more popular. Now you can add facebook contact at yahoo mail account to chat with them direct from yahoo. Webmail client already takes the benefits of range of unique features with yahoo mail latest version.
Facebook chat is already possible with yahoo messenger. Yahoo! Mail users can get benefits of facebook chat only on Yahoo Mail beta version, where you will see “facebook friends” under “Online contacts”. To get the benefits of facebook chat first of all users need to import facebook contact at yahoo.com. You have to click a thunderbolt icon so you can permit facebook connect to access your account. After importing facebook contact, it will automatically appear in your contacts list on yahoo mail.
Facebook chat is already possible with yahoo messenger. Yahoo! Mail users can get benefits of facebook chat only on Yahoo Mail beta version, where you will see “facebook friends” under “Online contacts”. To get the benefits of facebook chat first of all users need to import facebook contact at yahoo.com. You have to click a thunderbolt icon so you can permit facebook connect to access your account. After importing facebook contact, it will automatically appear in your contacts list on yahoo mail.
To chat with facebook contact, users need to sign into facebook account. For this, click on the lighting bolt icon which is located on left side with "Facebook Friends". If you are signed in the facebook account, then the lighting bolt will become yellow. After signing in to facebook chat, do double click on Facebook friend's name to begin a chat.
Yahoo mail Beta version also comes with new conversation tab which is situated under inbox link. With this new tab, users will be able to access their stored IM conservation made in Yahoo Mail Beta and the latest yahoo messenger 11 Beta. Beta version gives more space for message. Now you can see as much message content as possible by going at mail options and selecting “Scroll content of the entire page”. Right from your email, you can browse rich slideshows from Flickr or Picasa links and enjoy video clips from Flickr and YouTube. It is also available with improved features like video, photo sharing, a new version of Yahoo! Messenger, simple way to send SMS, and “a restored inbox search page”.
Click Here To Upgrade Yahoo! Mail Beta
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